Aix-Marseille-Provence – Pertuis – St Martin
Saint Martin Business Park
At the northern boundary of the Bouches du Rhône, near Aix-en-Provence, the Saint Martin area has direct access to the motorway heading towards Aix-en-Provence – Marseille, or in the direction of the Rhône Valley.
This diverse area is home to numerous commercial brands, a business incubator for innovative companies, business centres, industrial centres, and artisanal businesses. Its medium-term expansion has been scheduled.
Key Figures
1 200 jobs generated by leading companies in their sectors
Internationally renowned companies promote Vaucluse all the way to Mars.
Winlight is a company specialising in the design and manufacture of high-performance optical systems and components for the space, defence, astronomy sectors, as well as large-scale scientific instruments.
For example, Winlight has produced the optical components of SuperCam, one of the seven scientific instruments of the American “Mars 2020” mission, which will aim to analyse Martian rocks and detect organic molecules and traces of possible past life forms. This is an improved version of the instrument that has been on the Curiosity rover on Mars since 2012.t qui équipe actuellement le rover Curiosity sur Mars depuis 2012.
Since 1973, the Pellenc Group, whose work is linked to agriculture, green spaces, and local communities, has been manufacturing tools to facilitate manual labour while increasing productivity. The PELLENC group produces and markets innovative state-of-the-art technological tools, with more than 880 patents filed over the past 40 years.
1,500 employees are spread across the group’s 7 subsidiaries, which serve 50,000 customers worldwide.

Equipment and services

Fibreoptic – Connection to public sewerage system


Restaurants – Shops
Location and accessibility
5 min from the A7 and A51 Pertuis – Aix-en-Provence interchange
In proximity to Aix-en-Provence TGV station
In proximity to Pertuis and Aix-en-Provence town centres (15min)
GPS Coordinates
Find the right industry or business zone
Votre contact privilégié

Stéphanie Holmière
Corporate Real Estate and Logistics Project Manager