A dynamic talent pool
More than 150 training courses and 5,000 learners
Recruiting people with the right skills and training its teams are major challenges for the development of a company. Find out about all the specialised training courses which focus on the trades of today and tomorrow.
Campus 3A : Agrosciences, Food-processing, Food production
What is a trades and skills campus?
The Campus is made up of a territorial ecosystem of certified excellence. It brings together establishments and training centres, professional and inter-professional organisations, companies, competitiveness clusters, innovation and research centres and technology transfer centres, to offer training courses in line with the needs of the employment market and the economic development of the food sector.
- 27 training institutions and centres
- 150 training courses (from CAP to Doctorate) with guidance bridges
- More than 5,000 learners (pupils, students, apprentices)
- A network of professionals at the service of training and qualifications

The Campus 3A Training Institutions
- Consular Universities and Institute: Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse / Institut Universitaire de Technologie d’Avignon / Institut Supérieur Européen en Management Agroalimentaire (ISEMA) / Université Régionale des Métiers de l’Artisanat
- Lycées of the Ministry of National Education: LP Ferdinand Revoul in Valréas / LGT and SEP Henri Fabre in Carpentras / LGT René Char in Avignon
- Lycées of the Ministry of Agriculture: LAP Saint-Dominique in Valréas / EPLEFPA de la Durance et des Pays de la Sorgue / LEGTA Pétrarque in Avignon / LPA La Ricarde de l’Isle sur la Sorgue / LEGTA Louis Giraud in Carpentras / Lycée Viticole d’Orange / Maison Familiale Rurale de Richerenches
- Apprentice Training Centres: CCIT Centre de Formation des Apprentis de la 84 / CFA Regional CMAR PACA Campus Avignon / CFA Regional Agricultural PACA (UFA of Carpentras, Avignon, Orange…) / Centre de Formation Professionnelle Agricole Carpentras (continuing training) / de l’Institut de Formation Régional des Industries Agroalimentaires (FRIA Paca) / Centre de Formation des Apprentis de l’université Epure Méditerranée / Centre de Formation des Apprentis de l’Industrie du Vaucluse (CFAI/AFPI84) / CFA MFR PACA