Energy efficiency
A subject of convergence between the energy and building sectors
The building sector is a major energy user. It produces almost 1/4 of CO2 emissions. It is an important link to a comprehensive and sustainable solution. In addition to optimizing materials and new energy sources, energy transition aims to make buildings and energies more intelligent.
Smart Building & Smart City.
Flexgrid: an ambitious regional dynamic
With the Flexgrid programme, the SUD region hopes to become the first Smart Region in Europe.
This program is aimed at the large-scale deployment of so-called intelligent energy systems.
Flexgrid mobilises all the territorial resources involved in energy transition
150 million euros in public and private investment
Portfolio of over 60 territorial projects to address regional specificities
This dynamic is based on 4 main themes:
– Smart economy
– Smart cities
– Smart EnR producer
– Smart mobility